Working Holiday? No, just working.

I’m not sure if I’ve ever been this tired.  Waking at four every morning have had four hours of interrupted sleep since last Thursday does not a happy Frank make.  Yes, I did refer to myself in the third person.

Finishing up in the Mexican office today after we present our action plan to the client.  Looking forward to seeing some of our recommendations being activated.  

I’ll post up some photos when I get another minute.  Until then……….

Hasta Luego

Me gusta mucho Mexico…. (I really like Mexico)

I saw possibly the most wonderful thing the other night.  

Far from being the dangerous, crime ridden, kidnap happy city that I was expecting, I have only experienced good things since arriving on Friday evening in Mexico city.  On Saturday at midnight, I saw something which gave me some real insight in to the heart of the Mexican people.  

Some young children had been begging at the tables outside the restaurant at which we were eating.  They hadn’t had any luck at all and much to my regret I followed the usual advice to not give money to people begging.  

About ten minutes later, we saw the four girls sitting at a table behind us.  The waiters brought them big plates of food, glasses of fruit juice and then some ice cream for dessert.

Rather than run them from the restaurant, the staff had sat, fed and treated these kids with respect and compassion.  

The image of these kids sitting, eating and chatting away, just like me and my friends had been, will stay with me for a long time.

Me gusta mucho los gentes de Mexico.


Facebook Font… better than Comic Sans but what’s the thinking behind it?

Have you noticed the latest change to the Facebook font and layout of shared content?

Shared content from all media sources looks the same now.  Logos from media sources have been removed and the headline stands out far more than the source from which is came.  In fact, the source website appears in a light grey.  Photos are now more prominent. Have a scroll through your feed and take a look.

Why is this?

  • It might be to ensure that brands that are advertising achieve greater prominence on the page
  • It could be to get users used to the soon-to-be larger ad format
  • It could be that eventually Facebook will remove the source website details altogether and start charging media companies each time a post from their site is shared
  • It could be to ensure that brands whose posts are being shared, do not get as much benefit from their posts and will be “encouraged” to advertise on the site

What do you think?  Please leave a comment.

Need to brush up on my Spanish – off to Mexico for a week on Friday

I’m off to Mexico on Good Friday.

I’ve never been to Central America.  I’ve barely been to North America.  I’m very excited about it.

Anyone I have spoken to about Mexico has warned me to be careful about (a) getting robbed and (b) getting kidnapped.  Having nearly been kidnapped in Spain while hitchhiking with two French Canadian girls, I think I should be able to handle myself.  The pen is mightier than the fist and I had my Mont Blanc at the ready.

I’ll be updating the blog while I’m in Mexico.  It will be interesting to see both the similarities and differences of the working world there and here. If you have any tips for me, please comment below.

Return of the Stats, who knew that they’d be back? (apologies to Mark Morrison)

The stats have returned which is a relief. Facebook can be funny like that.
When booking ad campaigns through SAM a few years ago on the site, I noticed that the greatest number of clicks were from County Tipperary. That meant that there were more people in County Tipperary than in County Dublin which could not have been the case.
Facebook came back to say that they would look into it. Again, it’s always worthwhile going through the data and if something looks askew, get to the bottom of the anomaly.

A blog I once wrote

Here’s a blog that I used to write but paused last May.

Dublin Commuter

There is only a certain amount of road, coffee and DART rage that a man can write about.  Actually, that isn’t true.  So many things happen around you when you commute.  When you observe the actions and behaviours of others and when the actions and behaviours of others impact you and you add an ability to be curious and interested in others, then you have a plenty of content for a blog!

The blog contains a variety of blogging styles; a Top Ten List, Video, links and lots of stories.

Do you like it?  Leave a comment and let me know.

(Questions encourage interaction.  How’s that for a blogging technique!).



Lost & Misleading Facebook Stats! Make sure you can rely on the data that you’re using.

While checking through some old Facebook Insights this morning, I discovered that the data from December 2013 to March 9th 2014 has disappeared.  How odd!

Here is a post that received 33 likes and 22 comments yet in the Facebook Insights ‘Posts’ main page, it looks as if no one has clicked on it.  How can it have reached “O” people but also have received 30 likes.




Similarly and a bit differently – this screen grab shows that a post reached 1,157 people.


Yet here it shows that no one saw it:Image

It’s always a good idea to check and double check your data sources.


What can be done about it?  Contact your Facebook account manager if you have one.  Unfortunately for non agency run accounts, trying to get in touch with Facebook is difficult – believe me.  That’s why it is recommended to use a Digital Agency like Wolfgang Digital.